Thursday, November 23, 2006
Woo Hoo!!!
I guess that if we all delve slightly deeper within our inner blood and fat filled beings, we find the earnest desire to experience something exhilarating. Whether it be in the thrill of the experience itself or the boasting rights that come along with the completion of the act, NORMAL people like us need something exciting to spur us on to face tomorrows dreary existence.
Standing by the road nonchalantly, I looked on, ole' poker-faced me, as the likes of Chun Wui, David Chan David, Gideon, Gideon, Gideon, Gideon and Gideon proceeded to run across the road next to Singapore Cricket Club, only to stop halfway and sit down. Rather amused I declined to comment out loud at that point in time, while in my mind the words "WHAT A BUNCH OF RETARDED LOSERS!" echoed endless, much like the voice i keep hearing in my head - that's Bob.
All of a sudden, they all got up and started running back to the side of wisdom and sanity (the sidewalk). A car was approaching and they had hardly enough time to get comfortable, when the unmistakable headlights of the car hit them left, right and wrong. Thankfully nobody got even the slightest bruise.
I walked to the MRT with Chun Wui, asking him what evil force compelled him to commit the vile crime of jaysitting. It wasn't a big deal, after all the road wasn't very busy, (it was next to a cricket club and even at 11 PM, we still are by no means Pakistan). BUT STILL, what a stupid thing to do. The reply i got from him was a surprising, "You mean you haven't done it before?", thereafter digressing into the rich history that constituted to what sitting on the road is today - much of it involving how the great Chun Wui himself had pioneered the first road sitting at Dover.
Unconvinced, we walked and talked, as most NORMAL people do at 11 PM on the way to City Hall MRT. And behold, there before our very eyes, lay the freeway... the only sea of traffic(then only a trickle) that seperated us from our destined destination. I looked right, then I looked left, then I looked right again, then i looked at Chun Wui. His face was set with grim determination...
HAHAHA I make a joke! Chun Wui's face is incapable of being set with grim determination, neither is David Chan David's, who happened to be beside us as well. Anyway...
He looked back at me smiling the smile that makes him Chun Wui, "Aiyah screw it, when are we ever gonna get the chance to do it again?" So we ran across the road, fast as greased lighting, only a bit slower, then we stopped, AND SAT DOWN! ON THE FREEWAY! OUTSIDE THE ESPLANADE! There weren't many cars, but that's not the point, I sat on the freeway and now i shall proclaim it to the world!
Ladies, gentleshemen and machomen, I stand before you today, a living testimony of one who has brave the prospect of oncoming traffic, in order to bring to you this week's episode of Isaac's Weekly Exhilarating Experience of the Week. At number 1 we have *drum roll please* - sitting on the floor.
Me - over and out.
Posted by Table at 3:04 PM